03 April 2010


O Jerusalem, Jerusalem - how many times -
O Jerusalem - how many times I have yearned -

Nonetheless, one hasty pinky toe over the line
alongside hosanna, we Jerusalem take the twine
to our other faculties in order
to fickle fling Him to the Gov'nor

again; bloody, how You spoke naught
to our weight on Your shoulders! odd how
You came wrought to us broken-jawed, some
say like breezes or rains, but thus
we betray Thee.

The 'Crucify' doesn't overcome the 'Hosanna'
ever, no matter how loud the former!
but hell! let's call out the right hosanna to the Lover,
the right-gloried hosanna -
not hand-soap-sanitised hosannas,
the pomegranate-pecan-vanilla-
melon-banana-honey hosannas,
those preemptive peaches-and-cream hosannas.

His is the true HOSANNA,
human and sweaty, full-bodied,
bloodied, triumphant, loving
with tears and the tender gestures
alongside the temple whips and tables flipped,
the exasperated hair-pull measures,
all come together in
Holy, holy,
Hosanna in excelsis!


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